Published on : 2024-02-09


Rima Digital Safety Platform receives support from various parties and stakeholders, including:

  1. (United Nations Population Fund)

  2. Technical Partners: The platform collaborates with specialized technical partners in software development and IT companies.

  3. vernmental Entities: It receives support from vernmental bodies concerned with occupational safety and health, often funding or supporting programs and initiatives in this field.

  4. Clients and Beneficiaries: Clients and beneficiaries of Rima platform are significant supporters, utilizing its services and products and providing feedback.

  5. Investors: Rima may receive financial support from private investors or investment funds to fund platform development and expansion.

  6. Academic and Research Community: The platform may have relationships with academic institutions and research centers to collaborate on scientific and technical content production and awareness of occupational hazards and prevention.

  7. Local and International Community: The platform garners support and interest from both local and international communities, through collaborative awareness events and moral support and encouragement.

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Reema platform For digital safety

Aims to enhance and improve safety in organizations and work environments through the use of technology and data analysis

Mission and vision